Revolutionize Your Design Workflow With Sketch

Welcome to ‘Revolutionize Your Design Workflow With Sketch' – your ultimate guide to unlocking the full potential of Sketch, a powerful design tool that has taken the creative world by storm. In this blog, we'll delve deep into digital design and explore how Sketch can empower designers to streamline their workflow, create stunning visuals, and bring their creative visions to life like never before. 

Whether you're a seasoned design professional or just starting your journey in the design world, this blog is your go-to resource for tips, tricks, and insights to elevate your design game. Join us on this exciting journey to revolutionize your design workflow and craft visually captivating experiences!

Apps Every 

A hero needs a sidekick — and they have two.

Design on your Mac

Design, prototype, and illustrate in a native macOS app, online or offline. Work in private or collaborate in real-time.

Explore in your browser.

Inspect designs, export assets, share feedback, manage users, and invite guests — in any browser.

Preview on iPhone & iPad

View your documents on the go, play prototypes on a real device, and mirror designs as you edit them on your Mac.

Design with Ease

Everything you'd expect from a design tool — and a whole lot more


  • Vector shape presets

Quickly create vector-based rectangles, ovals, lines, arrows, triangles, stars, or polygons.

  • Boolean operations

Create a new shape from two or more shapes with non-destructive boolean operations — Union, Subtract, Intersect, and Difference.

  • Pixel snapping

Snap your vector points to full pixels, half pixels, and quarter pixels, or disable snapping entirely.

  • Freehand vector paths

Create a freehand vector path.

  • Full layer styling

Apply a fill, border, drop shadow, inner shadow, or bitmap layer to a shape.

  • Pen tool

Create a custom vector path using the Pen tool.

  • Flatten Boolean shapes

Flatten a Boolean shape into one path.

  • Multiple vector point types

Use Straight, Mirrored, Disconnected, and Asymmetric Point Types in a vector shape.

  • Masks

Mask one shape layer with another.

  • Vector point selection tool

Easily select one or more points on a vector path using the Vector Point Selection Tool.

  • Scissors tool

Use the Scissors tool to open a path, removing any segments of the path.


  • Font size and alignment

Set the font size and alignment for an entire text layer or just a selection.

  • Text on Path

Create text that follows the path of another vector shape.

  • Native text tools

All the text tools you'd expect from a native Mac app, like spell checking, dictation, emoji, and symbols support.

  • Fills, borders, shadows, and blurs

Apply gradients, image and color fills, borders, shadows, and Gaussian blurs to text layers.

  • Typeface changes and previews

Preview typeface options in the Inspector and set the typeface for an entire text layer or just a selection.

  • Full-text formatting

Style an entire text layer or a selection with bold, italic, underline or strikethrough options.

  • Variable fonts

Support for variable fonts and the options supported by variable fonts.

  • Complete typographic control

Tighten, loosen, or disable the kerning, and adjust the baseline (including subscript and superscript) for a text layer or a selection.

  • Customizable text layers

Create text layers with resizing properties, including auto width, height, and fixed size.

  • Ligatures support

Use all, none, or the default ligatures included with a font.

  • Text transformations

Apply uppercase or lowercase text transformations to a text layer or a selection.

  • Bullet lists, prefixes, and suffixes

Create numbered or bullet text lists, customize the number or bullet style and add prefixes or suffixes.

  • Convert text to outlines.

Turn text layers into editable vector shapes.

  • OpenType font support

Full support for OpenType Features with any font that features them.

  • Embed fonts in documents

Embed non-system fonts in your Document for accurate rendering in the web app.


  • P3 and sRGB support

Choose between sRGB and P3 color profiles to take advantage of P3 displays.

  • Color Variables

Create Color Variables to apply, edit, and sync colors throughout your documents.

  • Native or in-app color picker

Pick any color from your display and use it in Sketch with either the Sketch or native macOS color picker.

  • Tints

Quickly apply a single color to an entire group or Symbol with Tints.

  • RGB, HSB, or HSL

Select your preferred color model (RGB, HSB, or HSL) anywhere you work with colors in Sketch.

  • Find and Replace

Find and replace colors or Color Variables with the option to include different opacities or preserve original opacities.

  • Solid, gradient, and image fills.

Create solid, gradient, and image fills, easily copy and paste values, and change any properties.


  • Layer styles

Combine style options to create Layer Styles that you can apply and sync across multiple documents.

  • Blur effects

Apply Gaussian motion, zoom, or background blurs, and adjust their intensity and saturation.

  • Fills, borders, shadows, and blurs

Control how layers look with multiple fills, borders, shadows, and blurs.

  • Copy and paste styles.

Copy and paste style properties for fills, borders, and shadows to easily apply their settings to other layers.

  • Blend modes

Apply blend modes to your layers: normal, darken, multiply, color burn, screen, color dodge, overlay, soft and hard light, difference, hue, saturation, color, luminosity, and plus darker or lighter.

  • Multiple gradient fills

Apply one or more linear or angular gradient fills to a layer.

  • Image and noise fill.

Apply an image or a preset noise image fill to a layer and control how it scales or tiles.

  • Multiple border types

Choose between inside, center, and outside border positions.

  • Border styling

Adjust the thickness, colors, and blend modes of your layers' borders.

  • Customize lines and open paths.

Style end and join points for line layers and open paths — choose between butt, round and projecting cap, and miter, round, and bevel joins.

  • Dashed lines

Add dashed lines to your borders and adjust dash and gap widths.

  • Blending modes

Set the opacity of individual layers and groups and choose between different blend modes.

  • Stack shadows

Apply one or more shadows to the same layer and control their colors, blending modes, X and Y positions, blur radius, and spread.


  • Bitmap images support

Import bitmap images and position or resize them like any other layer.

  • Mask bitmaps

Mask bitmap images with a shape layer.

  • Image adjustments

Adjust image hues, saturation, brightness, and contrast using slider controls or percentage input fields.

  • Image editing

Make simple edits to bitmap images, create selections using the marquee or adjustable magic wand tool, and invert, crop, or fill the selection.

  • Reset image dimensions

Reset a resized bitmap image back to its original dimensions.

  • Reduce image filesizes

Reduce the file size of bitmap images in the Document based on their dimensions on the canvas.

  • Easy image replacements

Replace one bitmap image with another.

Boost Your Workflow

Tools and features to help you do even more with your designs

Advanced editing controls

  • Corner controls

Modify corners of shapes, including masks, all at once or one at a time — and choose from standard, smooth (superellipse), angled, and other corner styles.

  • Lock layer proportions

Lock the proportions of the selected layer(s) when resizing.

  • Pinning and resizing properties

Pin a layer's relative position to the left, right, top, or bottom of an Artboard, and control whether or not it resizes with it.

  • Quickly create grids

Create a grid from the duplicates of your selected layer(s) with adjustable numbers of rows, columns, and spacing.

  • Tidy Layers

Align selected layers to form a neat grid.

  • Pixel-fitting

Choose whether to fit layers and points to pixel bounds.

  • Duplication controls

Choose whether to offset and rename duplicate layers.

  • Math operators

Use math operators such as +, -, /, *, and ^ to easily resize and reposition Artboards and layers from the Inspector.

  • Add data to designs.

Insert data, such as names, cities, open-source face photos, and images from various sources.

  • Rotate Copies

Create a specified number of duplicates of the selected layer, rotating them around an adjustable point.

  • Default layer styles

Set the style settings of any selected layer as the default for any new shapes.

  • Convert borders to vector paths.

Convert borders on the selected shape(s) into a new vector path with a fill.

  • Outline and alpha masks

Choose between the default outline masks or alpha masks — which inherit any alpha or gradient from the mask layer, including bitmaps.

  • Layer order controls

Move your layer(s) forward, backward, to the front or back, upwards, or to the top.

  • Distribute layers

Evenly distribute the selected layers horizontally and vertically.

  • Document search

Search for layers in your Document and filter by shape, text, image, group, export-ready, prototype, or Symbol.

  • Export slices

Draw slice layers on the Canvas to define exportable areas with full control.

  • Visual alignment previews

Align your layers horizontally and vertically or to the left, right, center, top, middle, or bottom — and preview how they'll look with the power of Foresight.

  • Replace layers with Symbols.

Replace selected layer(s) with components from the same Document or Libraries.

  • Path fill options

Select between non-zero and even-odd fill methods for a selected layer.

  • Additional border options

Enable additional border options in the Inspector, including settings for the ends and joins of a path, cap options, and the option to set dash and gap values.

  • Remove unused styles

Remove unused styles from a selected layer(s) with a single click.

  • Scale layers

Easily scale layers, groups, Symbols, and any related contents.

  • Resize and skew

Resize and skew any selected layer(s)

  • Flip layers

Flip selected layer(s) horizontally or vertically.

  • Offset paths

Offset the selected path by a specified amount, optionally creating a new layer.

  • Combine paths

Combine two or more open paths into one single path.

  • Reverse paths

Reverse an open path to add a new point at the opposite end, or reverse the direction of arrow end caps.

  • Close paths

Close the open path of the selected layer.

  • Fit Artboard to contents.

Easily resize the Artboard to the minimum size it needs based on its contents.

  • Document thumbnails

Set the selected Artboard as the document thumbnail.

  • Ignore masks

Set a selected layer to ignore the mask below it in the Layer list.

  • Reset sizing constraints

Easily reset the constraints to default (no constraints).

  • Export layers

Easily mark one or more selected objects as exportable.

  • Flatten layers

Flatten selected layer(s) into a single bitmap object.

  • Align layers to pixels.

Align the selected layer(s) to the nearest full pixel.

  • Lock layers

Lock and unlock selected layers and groups.

  • Toggle layer visibility

Toggle the visibility of the selected layers and groups on the Canvas.

  • Drag-and-drop file imports

Import files by dragging them onto the dock icon or Canvas — with support for PNG, JPG, TIFF, WebP, SVG, EPS, SVG code, PDF, AI, and PSD.

  • Multi-layer renaming

Quickly rename multiple layers with modifier tokens, pattern matching, and more.

  • Quick layer selections

Hold Shift and right/secondary click to select between overlapping layers from a contextual menu.

Design Systems & Components

  • Symbols

Convert one or more layers into a Symbol that you can reuse across documents and sync updates or changes.

  • Layer Styles

Combine styling options to create layer styles that you can apply and sync across multiple documents.

  • Color Variables

Create Color Variables to apply, edit, and sync colors throughout your documents.

  • Shared component Libraries

Create Libraries of Symbols, Layer Styles, Color Variables, Text Styles, and Artboard templates that you can share and use across multiple documents.

  • Easy Libraries management

Add, disable, and remove Libraries that let you use components across your documents.

  • Per-document Libraries

Activate Libraries only for specific documents to make components easier to manage.

  • Components View

Switch to the Components view to reorganize your Symbols and Artboard Templates and display, reorganize, and modify Text Styles, Layer Styles, and Color Variables.

  • Smart Layout

Apply Smart Layout to a Symbol to have it automatically grow with its content.

  • Symbol overrides

Override elements within Symbol instances, including text, images, nested Symbols, and data.

  • Artboard templates

Turn any Artboard and its layers into a template you can reuse across documents.

  • Dedicated components view

Use the Components view to display and reorganize your Symbols and Artboard templates — and even modify Text Styles, Layer Styles, and Color Variables.

  • Components insert window

Easily navigate, search, and insert components from the current Document and Libraries using the Insert window (Shortcut: c).

  • Granular Libraries controls

Add, disable, and remove Libraries that let you use components across multiple documents.

  • Easy Symbol navigation

Jump to a previously selected instance of a Symbol after editing its source.

  • View and unlink Symbols

View a list of any Symbols inserted from a Library and add options to unlink them from the Library.

  • Symbol Tints

Quickly apply a single color to an entire group or Symbol with tints.

  • Separate Symbol sources page

Send a Symbol source to the Symbols page.

  • Find and replace Color Variables.

Find and replace colors or Color Variables with the option to include different opacities or preserve original opacities.

  • Pre-sized Artboard Templates

Choose from a range of preset Artboard template sizes — or create your own.

  • Reset Symbol sizes

Restore a resized Symbol instance to its original source size with one click.

  • Convert Symbols to layers.

Convert a Symbol back to a set of regular layers (optionally converting any nested Symbols back to their base parts).

  • Select containing Symbols

Quickly select the containing Symbol of the nested item you're editing by pressing.

Stop, Collaborate, And Listen.

Everything you need to bring your design to life and share it with others


  • Create Prototypes

Quickly create playable prototypes of your designs for playback in the Mac, web, or iPhone app.

  • Animate transitions

Animate between Artboards in your design to test outflows.

  • Interactions & Hotspots

Create interactions that start by clicking on any layer — or use Hotspots to create larger tap targets.

  • Overlays

Turn Artboards into overlays on the existing screen for more realistic interactions.

  • Multiple start points

Set any Artboard as a starting point for your prototypes — or create multiple start points to test flow variations.

  • Fix layer positions

Fix the position of selected layers when scrolling or moving between Artboards in a prototype.

  • Choose animation direction

Animate your prototypes from right, bottom, left, or top with handy interaction tools.

  • Customize Overlay interactions

Choose how you can interact with areas outside of an overlay when one is showing.

  • Granular Overlay controls

Align overlays relative to the overall screen or trigger layer/hotspot, and apply horizontal or vertical offsets.

  • Overlay background styles

Apply background styles behind any overlay, such as fill and blur.

  • Stack Overlays

Stack multiple overlays so they appear at the same and choose how they interact with each other.

  • Override Overlay settings

Use overrides to set an individual overlay's settings as default or revert to the original settings.


  • Annotations

Leave comments right on the Canvas that stakeholders can see and respond to.

  • Easy access controls

Give teammates instant access to shared Libraries, documents, or projects.

  • Real-time collaboration

Invite fellow Editors to collaborate with you on the same Document in real-time.

  • Follow collaborators

Follow any active document collaborators, no matter where they go on the Canvas.

  • Powerful permissions options

Control who can edit specific Libraries or documents.

  • Control Library updates

Make updates to a Library without pushing changes to everyone automatically — then choose which updates to share.

  • Simple sharing

Share documents to collaborate with others in your Workspace, or share a public link to the current Document in the web app.

  • Private Drafts folder

Keep private or unfinished work in your My Drafts folder that nobody else can view unless you grant access.


  • Multiple export formats

Export Artboards and slices as PNG, JPG, TIFF, WebP, PDF, EPS, or SVG.

  • Export size options

Specify an optional export resolution or size, such as @2x or 512W.

  • Drag-to-export

Drag and drop an export preview to the desktop or another app.

  • Trim transparent pixels

Trim transparent pixels from a slice and set a custom background color for exports.

  • Preview exports

Preview Artboards and slices in the Inspector before you export them.

  • PDF page order

Set the order of Artboards when you export to PDF.

  • Export presets

Choose from presets, including size, filename prefixes and suffixes, and file format — or create your own.

  • Define multiple export types.

Export the same Artboard or slice using different settings at the same time.

Make It yours

Tweak every part of your experience.


  • Dark mode

Use Sketch in light or dark mode — or default to your device's settings.

  • Extensions

Extend Sketch's functionality with a variety of third-party plugins and integrations.

  • Adjust zoom and nudge.

Customize zoom and nudging behavior.

  • Set flattened bitmap resolution.

Choose the resolution to flatten bitmap images to.

  • Printing options

Set paper size, orientation, and scaling when printing Sketch documents.

  • Hide collaboration cursors

Toggle the visibility of cursors, or name tags, for other editors collaborating in the same Document.

  • Expand and collapse groups.

Toggle the state of all groups in the Layer list between expanded and collapsed.

  • Pixel view controls

Toggle the visibility of individual pixels and/or the pixel grid when zoomed in.

  • Grid and Layout options

Adjust grid and layout settings for each Artboard, including the number of columns, width, offset, gutter, and column width and height. Set grid colors, block size, line intervals, layout fill, and stroke outline colors.

  • Show and hide UI.

Show or hide the sidebar, the Inspector, Assistants, slices, colors, fonts, the toolbar, or the entire interface.

  • Zoom controls

Zoom in and out to the actual size, a selection, an Artboard, or fill the Canvas.

  • Automatically expand groups

Toggle whether groups automatically open and close in the Layer list when selecting any grouped layer on the Canvas.

  • Tabs or windows

Toggle the visibility of the Tab bar.

  • Document grid view

Show all document tabs in a grid view.

  • Set default save location.

Choose whether you save documents locally — or to your Workspace — by default.

  • Quick Artboard switching

Switch to the next or previous Artboard or page — or center to a selection.

  • Toggle slice visibility

Toggle the visibility of Slice layers on the Canvas.

  • Show or hide rulers.

Toggle the visibility of the Canvas rulers and/or ruler guides and reset the ruler origins if modified.

  • Toggle selection visibility

Toggle the visibility of the selection boxes on the Canvas – including when hovering over layers.

  • Hide Artboard shadows

Toggle the visibility of the Artboard shadows on the Canvas.

  • Toggle layout visibility

Toggle the visibility of the grid or layout columns and rows on the Canvas.

  • Native font and color controls

Toggle the native macOS color or font windows.

  • Customizable toolbar

Customize the Sketch toolbar with a wide range of functions.

  • Fullscreen support

Switch Sketch between windowed and full screen.

Take Designs Further

Bring people and projects together in the web app.

Managing People And Documents

  • Save here, and access everywhere.

Save all your designs in your Workspace and access them anywhere you sign in to Sketch.

  • Organize with Projects

Create Projects for your designs and group your work by client, job, status, or whatever works for you.

  • Collections inside Projects

Further, organize documents inside of Projects by grouping them inside Collections.

  • Easy Editor setup

Give designers instant access to Sketch by making them an Editor in your Workspace — no license key is required.

  • Free Viewers

Invite Viewers without edit access to your Workspace to browse documents, leave feedback, and test prototypes — from any web browser — for free.

  • Simple people management

Manage your entire team within a single Workspace and get full visibility and control over billing.

  • Free Guest Editors

Invite Guests with an existing Sketch subscription to edit documents in your Workspace without adding to your subscription cost.

  • Schedule seat changes

Create, remove, and schedule changes to the number of Editor seats in your Workspace, used or unused, to keep costs consistent and predictable.

  • Instant document access

Give every Editor in your Workspace instant access to the documents, Libraries, and projects they need wherever they sign in to Sketch.

  • Private Projects

Create private Projects and control exactly who has access and can edit documents inside them.

  • My Drafts

Give every Editor in your workspace a private My Drafts folder for work that isn't ready for sharing.

  • Document history

Browser every Document's version history and download older versions.

  • Manage versions

Delete older versions of a document you no longer need.

  • Starred versions

Star important versions of a document to highlight major milestones.

  • Friendly previews

Hide unstarred versions of documents from viewers and guests.

  • Version descriptions

Give starred document versions a text description to communicate what's changed.

  • Control Library updates

Star a version of a Library document to send those changes to everyone who uses it (regular updates won't affect others).

  • Restrict Library Editing

Allow anyone to update Library documents — or restrict it to specific Editors.

  • Disable public links

Optionally disable all existing public document links — and the option to create new ones.

  • Single Sign-on (SSO)

Log in to your Workspace via Single Sign-On (SSO).

  • Restrict Document Uploads

Restrict document uploads to your Workspace and force a local-only workflow.

  • Permissions Directory

View a directory of every Document and project and see which permissions Workspace Guests and members have related to them.

  • Duplicate documents to Drafts

Easily create document duplicates automatically sent to your private My Drafts folder.

  • Workspace Search

Find documents in the Workspace window using search — or browse All Documents, Shared with Me, Recent Documents, My Drafts, or Projects.

Sharing Feedback

  • Public document links

Create optional public links for documents for easy sharing.

  • Canvas browser

View and navigate any document's full Canvas in the browser — just like in the Mac app.

  • Annotations

Editors, viewers, and guests can leave feedback with annotated comments on a document's Canvas.

  • Mentions in annotations

@-mention other Workspace members in your comments to loop them into a conversation.

  • Markdown in annotations

Use emojis and markdowns in your comments to emphasize your feedback.

  • Comment notifications

Get notified of new comments and replies to any document and get full control over what notifications you receive.

  • Easy access to annotations

View every annotation in a document under the Comments tab in the sidebar.

  • Resolve annotations

Resolve annotations to close off conversations and review resolved discussions in the Document's sidebar.

Developer Handoff

  • Developers go free

Invite developers to inspect designs and download assets — in any web browser — for free.

  • Inspect designs

Inspect individual artboards and copy values for colors, attributes, and more.

  • Copy color valuables

Copy color values in different formats — HEX, RGB, HSL, NSColor, and UIColor.

  • Inspect color variables

Copy color variable names — or their color values.

  • Easy Library navigation

See and navigate to Library styles and Symbols used in any document.

  • Export assets

Download export-ready assets directly from any browser — no need to use the Mac app.

  • Measure between layers

Measure distances between layers on the canvas for accurate recreation.

  • Grids & layouts

Hide and show grids and layouts on each Artboard that has them.

  • Copy CSS

Copy CSS styles for any selected layer.

  • View document components

Navigate through any document's Symbols, styles, and Color Variables.

  • Color Tokens

Create Color Tokens from Color Variables — in CSS or JSON format — to stay in sync with development projects.

  • Color Tokens integrations

Download color tokens or create a link that stays updated for integration in your projects.

  • Copy text

Copy text from any text layer to your clipboard for easy pasting into other apps.

Bottom Line 

Revolutionize Your Design Workflow With Sketch' aims to be your design compass, guiding you through the intricacies of Sketch and empowering you to become a design virtuoso. We've explored the myriad tools, techniques, and strategies that can turn your creative ideas into stunning visuals. As you redefine your design workflow, remember that the key to success lies in practice, innovation, and a deep understanding of the ever-evolving design landscape. With Sketch as your trusted companion, the possibilities are endless, and your design journey is bound to be exciting and fruitful. So, go forth and revolutionize your design workflow with Sketch – the canvas is yours to paint, and the results will be extraordinary.


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